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Leonides Guireli Netto, PhD candidate

Applied geophysics researcher

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Hello! I'm an applied geophysics researcher interested in understanding the behavior of the physical environment through variations in its physical properties. This website is a space where I share my experiences, research, and learnings. I hope you find interesting and useful information here. Feel free to explore and get in touch if you have any questions or want to learn more about what I do. Thanks for visiting!

Research Interests

Currently, my main research interests are:


  • Is it feasible to use geophysical methods in hydrogeological studies of fractured aquifers under high-pressure conditions to analyze the long-term physical integrity impact of mining projects?


  • How can laboratory-scale studies contribute to understanding variations in soil electrical resistivity and its correlation with other physicochemical parameters, and how can this information be applied in monitoring and mitigating acid mine drainage in mining areas in Brazil?


  • Laboratory-scale studies: What are the variations in soil electrical resistivity values in a dam at different reservoir filling levels and their correlation with soil moisture values? During the internal erosion process within the dam body, what is the geoelectric monitoring response (piping)?

Publications exemplifying my research focus

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(2022) Moreira, C.A., Guireli Netto, L., Camarero, P.L., Bertuluci, F.B., Hartwig, M.E. and Domingos, R. Application of electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) in uranium mining earth dam, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, Volume 19.


(2021) Guireli Netto, L., Malagutti Filho, W., Moreira, C.A., Donato, F. & Helene, L.P.I Delineation of necroleachate pathways using electrical resistivity tomography (ERT): Case study on a cemetery in Brazil. Environmental Challenges. 5. 100344. 10.1016/j.envc.2021.100344. 

(2020) Guireli Netto, L., Barbosa, A. M., Galli, V. L., Pereira, J. P. S., Gandolfo, O. C. B., and Birelli, C. A., “Application of invasive and non-invasive methods of geo-environmental investigation for determination of the contamination behavior by organic compounds”, Journal of Applied Geophysics, vol. 178. doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2020.104049.

Research Interests

Currently, my main research interests are:


  • Is it feasible to use geophysical methods in hydrogeological studies of fractured aquifers under high-pressure conditions to analyze the long-term physical integrity impact of mining projects?


  • How can laboratory-scale studies contribute to understanding variations in soil electrical resistivity and its correlation with other physicochemical parameters, and how can this information be applied in monitoring and mitigating acid mine drainage in mining areas in Brazil?


  • Laboratory-scale studies: What are the variations in soil electrical resistivity values in a dam at different reservoir filling levels and their correlation with soil moisture values? During the internal erosion process within the dam body, what is the geoelectric monitoring response (piping)?

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